Be Ready For Google’s Mobile Update on April 21st

What does your company’s website look like on a mobile device? Be ready for Google’s algorithm update on April 21st.

On April 21st, Google will begin taking mobile-friendliness into account a ranking signal in search. What does this mean? Websites that are not mobile-friendly will see a severe negative impact on their search ranking and organic traffic. Site that are mobile-friendly will likely see a boost! Site that are not mobile-friendly will be penalized by Google.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What exactly is a mobile-friendly website?

A mobile-friendly website is a website that is dedicated to the mobile user experience as well as the restrictions that result from smaller screen sizes. Some mobile websites are separate stand alone sites, but all Connect4 Consulting websites are responsive in that they change adapt automatically depending on the screen size.

If I hire Connect4 Consulting to design a mobile site for me, will that work for Google’s mobile SEO site update?

All Connect4 Consulting websites are built to Google’s standard for mobile search.

How can I know whether my site is mobile-friendly?

Google has a simple tool you can use to determine whether your website is mobile-friendly according to Google. Simply go to Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test and enter your url. If your site is not mobile-friendly, or if your site is mobile-friendly but has errors, you need to make some changes to your site as soon as possible.

Increase Search Traffic with Google’s Next Update

Increase search traffic with Google’s next update. On April 21st, 2015, Google will roll out an update that makes mobile friendliness a larger part of its algorithm. This is a really big deal.

Why? Because Google is saying the mobile update will have a bigger impact than its Panda update.

Should you be worried? Yes!

Neil Patel’s blog on Quick Sprout gives you 3 steps to help you take advantage of this update. Be proactive and help yourself so you are not caught with your pants down.

Don’t Get Caught with Your Pants Down: 3 Steps to Increase Your Search Traffic with Google’s Next Update