Broken Backlinks Impact SEO

If not properly overseen by an SEO professional, a website migration or relaunch project can create countless broken backlinks from other websites. This is a golden opportunity for recovering link equity.

Some of the top pages on your site may have become 404 pages after a migration, so the backlinks pointing back to these 404 pages are effectively broken.

Two types of tools are great for finding broken backlinks — Google Search Console, and a backlink checker such as Moz.

In Search Console, you’ll want to review your top 404 errors and it will prioritize the top errors by broken backlinks.

What to do:

  • After identifying your top pages with backlinks that are dead, 301 redirect these to the best pages
  • Also look for broken links because the linking site typed in your URL wrong or messed up the link code on their end, this is another rich source of link opportunities

What to do next:

  • Use other tools such as Mention or Google Alerts to keep an eye on unlinked mentions that you can reach out to for an extra link
  • Set up a recurring site crawl or manual check to look out for new broken links

Meta Robots NOINDEX

NOINDEX can be even more damaging than a misconfigured robots.txt file.

Most commonly, the NOINDEX is set up when a website is in its development phase. Since so many web development projects are running behind schedule and pushed to live at the last hour, this is where the mistake can happen. A mistakenly configured robots.txt won’t pull your pages out of Google’s index if they’re already there, but a NOINDEX directive will remove all pages with this configuration.

Most developers will make sure this NOINDEX is removed from your site, but if you’re having ranking problems, you should check this immediately.

What to do:

  • Manually do a spot-check by viewing the source code of your page, and looking for one of these:




90% of the time you’ll want it to be either “INDEX, FOLLOW” or nothing at all. If you see one of the above, you need to take action.

What to do next:

If your web site is constantly being updated and improved by your development team, set a reminder to check this weekly or after every new site upgrade.


Simple SEO Fix: Robots.txt File

The robots.txt file is a small text file that is placed on your website server that tells web crawlers like Googlebot or Bingbot if they should access a file or not. Improper usage of the robots.txt file can hurt your SEO ranking because the robots.txt file controls how search engine spiders see and interact with the pages on your website.

Do I have a robots.txt file?

You can check this from any browser. The robots.txt file is always located in the same place on every website, so it’s very easy to determine whether a site has one or not. Just add “/robots.txt” to the end of a domain name as shown below.

If you have a file there, it is your robots.txt file. You will either find a file with words in it, a blank file, or no file at all.

Is your robots.txt file blocking important files?

When your developer creates your website, he or she will add code to the robots.txt file to make sure that it’s not indexed. This code is User-agent: * Disallow: /”.  If your robots.txt file says this, you won’t appear in Google’s organic search results.

What to do next:

  • If you see “Disallow: /”, talk to your developer immediately. There could be a good reason it’s set up that way, or it may be an oversight. If there’s content after the “Disallow: /”, then the robots.txt file could be set up correctly, but it warrants a discussion with your developer.
  • If you have a complex robots.txt file, like many ecommerce websites, you should review it line-by-line with your developer to make sure it’s correct.

How to add internal links to your website

Adding internal links to your website is a critical part of SEO as well as improving usability on your website. This post will provide you with the best practices for adding internal links to your website. But before we start, it’s important that you already:

  • have written content – pages or blog posts – on your site.
  • are continuously creating new content. Getting into a regular publishing schedule is important in order for this technique to work effectively.

Link from content-heavy pages to other content-heavy pages

The best internal links are those that connect one article to another. This creates a strong internal linking structure deep within the site. If your website navigation is decent, you’ll have enough linking structure to the site’s main pages such as the homepage, the about page, the contact page, etc. You don’t need to link to these pages!

Create text links using anchor text

The best links use descriptive anchor text. What do I mean by descriptive anchor text? Anchor text is the word or words that are linked to another page.

Your internal links should use anchor text. But not – click here. Click here is not descriptive. It doesn’t tell the user what the click will do or where it will go. I recommend linking using phrases that describe what the target link is about. Here are some examples:

If I want to link to an article about raising sheep, I would do it this way:

If I wanted to link to an article about Google Hummingbird, I would do it this way:

In each of these examples, I’m associating the subject of the link target with relevant phrases.

Do not do these things when creating internal links

  • Do not try to create an exact match between the anchor text and the link target. This technique, known as “exact match anchor text” has been associated in the past with SEO penalties through the Penguin update.
  • Do not use phrases like “click here.” This adds no value.
  • Do not link more than one sentence. An entire hyperlinked paragraph is clunky and unsightly. It makes for a poor user experience. Just stick to a few words or a phrase.

Every time you write an article or blog post, link to four or more old posts.

When you write a new piece of content, you should link to old articles. If you can, try to add five links.

Why? Google likes sites with new content and uses that as part of its ranking algorithm. Links from new pages add new page value to older pages.

Update old blog posts with new internal links

You’ll get the largest boost from your internal links if you combine it with another easy SEO technique – updating old content. When you update old content, Google will scan it again, re-index it, and likely boost its ranking slightly. Here’s a good process to follow when updating old articles:

  • Add a new paragraph of content at the beginning, explaining the updates.
  • Add several new paragraphs throughout, adding additional or updated information.
  • And most importantly, add several new internal links to the content you’ve recently created.

Adding links in places where it’s logical and value-added

Look for areas in the content where the subject matter overlaps. These are logical points of connection to create an internal link.

Broken Backlinks

Make sure you don’t have broken backlinks. These can hurt the final outcome!


Use Internal Linking To Boost Your Site’s SEO

Here is a step-by-step guide that you can use to boost your SEO using internal linking.

What is internal linking?

In case you need a quick overview of internal linking, here it is.

An internal link connects one page of your website to another page on your website.

Sounds pretty simple, right? Every website that has more than one page is connected in this way. It’s a simple issue of website design and website architecture.

Websites have an overall design and architecture that keeps them structured in a logical way, like this common model.

Most websites have a central home page, and branch out into multiple menus and subpages.

One common SEO technique among earlier websites was to organize content into silos, in an attempt to improve keyword presence for a particular keyword category. The silo organizational model was popular until recently. Many SEOs still follow the silo model, because it makes logical sense.

Internal linking can be much simpler! I’ll show you how to perform a simple internal linking method that I’ve created. First, though, it’s helpful to know why internal linking helps.


Why is internal linking important?

Why is internal linking important?

Internal linking is one of the most valuable search engine optimization (SEO) tools.

Why? Because it works.

Google’s algorithm has come a long way since the early days of SEO when it was possible to game the system. Now it is nearly impossible to game the system.

However as advanced as the algorithm is, there are still simple things that you can do that will give you an immediate boost in SEO.

Internal linking is one of them. It’s not a trick or a gimmick, and it’s certainly not hard to do.

Here are some of the benefits of internal linking:

  • internal linking improves the indexation of your website – if your website has strong internal linking, it’s easier for Google’s web crawler to find new content that you publish and link to. If your content is woven together with multiple internal links, Google’s web crawler can get to your new content faster and therefore index your site faster.
  • internal linking increases the backlink earning potential of deep content pages – if you look at where most of your website’s backlinks are coming from, you will see that most come from your home page. What you want to do is create more back links from pages deeper within your site. If you create a strong internal linking structure, you can boost the link earning potential of the internal pages by creating clear click paths throughout your website.
  • internal linking spreads the strength of the site to internal pages – when your website receives a link to the homepage, some of the value of that link is passed on to your internal pages.
  • internal linking with anchor text adds content value to an electronic signal – an internal link is a simple piece of HTML code that links one web page to another. When you create an internal link with anchor text as opposed to an image or navigational text, the value of the internal link increases. Anchor text improves the value of the link by adding keywords an content to the linking process. Just make sure that your anchor text is related to the link.
  • internal linking provides value for your website user – internal linking is an SEO technique but this is perhaps the most important point. Internal linking makes it easier for your website visitor to explore your content.

Not ranking for your brand name? Easy SEO Fix

Search Engine Optimization can get highly technical and complex quickly, but there are also easy SEO fixes. So before anyone convinces you to tackle an SEO list a mile long, ask the simple question:

Am I ranking for my brand name?

If the answer is no, then this needs to be the very first item you optimize on your website. After all, how will anyone find you if you they can’t even search for your business name?

What to do? Type into your google search engine and you’ll immediately see how many pages on your site are being indexed by Google.

Connect4 Consulting is ranking for 1,350 results. Looks like all of our blog posts are working well for our brand name ranking.

What to ask:

  • Is that amount the number of results we are expecting to rank?
  • Are there pages in the index that we don’t want ranked?
  • Are there pages that should be appearing that aren’t ranked or indexed?

What to do next:

  • Do another search and and check different groups of pages on your site and see if they are ranking as well.
  • Check and see if subdomains are indexing.
  • Check old versions of your site and see if they are ranking instead of, or in addition to, your new version.
  • Look out for spam – a good indicator if your site was hacked – you could have spam that is on your site and also indexed by Google.
  • Figure out what’s causing all of the indexing problems and then optimize your site for better SEO results.