Managing Multi-Channel Marketing
In simpler times, online marketing was just about web and email. While the marketing process was much simpler, the opportunities were also very limited. You could only reach someone while they were on their computer – and even back then there were emails and pop-ups vying for their attention. Today with multi-channel marketing we have more channels than ever to reach prospective customers and clients – internet radio, digital television, ads, re-marketing, social media. But no one has enough time or resources to manage all these different channels, so it is critical that marketers prioritize and plan accordingly.
One thing is very clear – you shouldn’t put all of your eggs in one basket. While marketing on Facebook might be important, it’s also important not to lose sight of your website.
Managing Multi-Channel Marketing Step 1: Create a Unified Presence
The first step is to decide on a unified approach. This is the biggest change you can make that will have a ripple effect. Think about your message and your audience and regardless of the channel, the over-arching message should be the same.
Managing Multi-Channel Marketing Step 2: Prioritize Your Channels
Since you don’t have enough time or money to market to all channels, you have to prioritize and figure out which channels make the most sense. Don’t just look at the channels from a profit standpoint. Look at things like:
- How easy is it for the company to deliver the message to your audience?
- How much does it cost?
- How likely is it that the customer will buy from this channel?
- How likely is it that the customer will share with others from this channel?
Gauge your various channels to determine which channel delivers the best quality leads at the lowest cost – this should be your priority.
Managing Multi-Channel Marketing Step 3: Determine the Right Performance Indicators
Once you’ve decided on a few channels, you need to figure out how you measure performance.
Multi-channel marketing can seem overwhelming but there are ways to make it manageable. The payback in terms of revenues, customer loyalty and reinforced brand messaging are there for those marketers willing to make a concentrated effort and make that leap. By creating a singular brand voice along with crafting a plan that puts your best channels first, while measuring the metrics that matter, you’ll be able to make a confident foray into the world of multi-channel marketing.